Touch through your camera


Point your camera at a display and touch, swipe, or scroll. Watch as it reacts to your touches, through the air.

Closed Beta

Connect. Point. Touch. It's that simple.

Simple setup to connect your phone to your computer.

Point your phone's camera to the display and allow Viewfinder to automatically detect the edges.

Then tap, swipe, and scroll on your phone, as if you're touching the display.

Tap, swipe, or scroll from any angle.

With vector projection, Viewfinder allows you to tap precisely on your content, tap after tap.

Precision is achieved using ARKit technologies, projecting each tap in 3D space to the plane of your display.

Virtually latency-free.

Viewfinder establishes connection via Bluetooth LE, enabling fast, low-power communication between your phone and computer.

Closed Beta

Get Viewfinder

Viewfinder is available per invite basis.

If you were invited to test Viewfinder, follow the instructions given for installation.