Sing along your way


Get accurate Live Lyrics on Apple Music. Change what you see, as you see fit.

Closed Beta

Correct inaccurate lyrics. Or spin it up to your liking.

Compose allows you to change the lyrics displayed in the Apple Music app to whatever you like.

Where lyrics are inaccurate, Compose makes fixing them a breeze.

Listening to a song in a foreign language? Easily add translations to your lyrics.

Or simply add extra flair to your lyrics with some emoji!

Sync Live Lyrics timings. Sing along the way you like.

Change the timings of Live Lyrics as you like.

Compose provides an easy-to-use interface to sync lyrics. Simply tap along with the song to sync.

Perfect each timing with granular controls.

Never forget the words to your favourite song. Keep your lyrics safe.

All your lyrics are stored safe in the cloud, so you won't have to worry about losing them.

Your lyrics and preferences are automatically synced and kept up-to-date across all your devices.

Here's a Sneak Peek

Compose is used to easily fix and re-time lyrics

Early Alpha build shown. Subject to changes.

Closed Beta

Get Compose

Compose is available per invite basis.

If you were invited to test Compose, follow the instructions given for installation.